CDXGeoData is a set of location analytics services allowing you to do address correction, ZIP+4 lookup, distance calculations, demographics, lists radius analysis, and more.
You are using the CDXGeoData portal in demo mode!
Your Free API Key is: 31739d08-2f73-4a88-a4cc-72aa29c4bc56
Here are a few example services you can try right now. Service examples provide data results in html, json, and xml formats.
Requires a HERE Api Key
Geocode (get latitude and longitude from addresses) and reverse geocode (get addresses from latitude and longitude).
Try NowGeoRouteHere
Requires a HERE Api Key
Calculate travel (driving) distance and time using routing data from HERE Api.
Try NowYou can download fully functional Microsoft Excel templates which provide return data in a preformatted environment which requires no additional coding.
In order to use these templates you must enter your CDXGeoData API key in the template Settings
GeoData Address Verification
Correct Address Lists with USPS ZIP+4 data and approved format.
GeoData Driving Calculations
Requires a Bing Maps Key
Calculate Driving Distance and Time between 2 addresses using Bing Maps.
GeoData Demographics
Perform address verification and correction using U.S. Postal Service databases.